Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Compare the Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles
Compare the Effectiveness of Different lead StylesLeadership is an important topic that impart always attract attention due to its importance in shaping the fortunes of geological formations around the world. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree nearly what needs to be d whizz and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives (Yukl, 201026). This suggests that for effective lead to take place on that point mustiness be communication and understanding amidst the leader and his chase. The definition suggests that leadership is a two-way process that influences both individual and organizational performance (Mullins, 2010373). ascribable to the complex and disaccordent nature of organizations, antithetic frameworks and leadership theories have been developed to analyze approaches to leadership in the organizational setting. There are three principal(prenominal) looks of leadership, which are the democratic sprint where the focus of power lies more with the group and non solely with the leader, the authoritarian style where the focus of power lies solely with the leader/manager and the laissez-faire style where the leader observes group member are working on their own (Mullins, 2010381). The need for these three leadership styles may differ consort to the bureau. In dealing with an organization in crisis an authoritative style of leadership may be preferable. correspond to the contingency theories, there is no one particular leadership style for every situation.In the modern industrial organizations where innovation is key and employee involvement in organizational activities is important, the democratic style of leadership can be most effective. In this style of leadership the employees have a greater say in decision-making process and policy determination (Mullins, 2010381). An turn out of this is the automobile industry Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn was able to achieve results by focusing on sharing ideas with employees and getting feedback through communication.From the leadership and managerial framework there are various leadership and management approaches (Mullins, 2010376). These approaches include the qualities traits approach, functional approach, situational approach, transactional, transformational approach or inspirational approach. These different approaches can be applied to different organizations because apiece organization has its own individual character, culture and identity (Mullins, 201078).The transactional leadership approach can be effective in organizations where operations are carried out according structured rules and principles. This leadership approach would fit as it is based on authority within bureaucratic structures of organizations (Mullins, 2010391). This leadership approach to organization like banks or government bodies where the focus is mainly task oriented.ReferencesCentre of Management Research (2003) The Turnaround Specialist online available from 20th March, 2011Laurie J. Mullins (2010). Management and Organisational deportment 9th edn. England Pearson Education Limited.Yukl, G (2010). Leadership in Organisations, 7th edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson-Prentice HallBlog 2Current leadership research and how it can help overcome electrical resistance to changeThe leadership contest model of Jimmy kouzes and Barry Posner can be used to address some of the issues of change in todays business milieu. Kouzes and Posners leadership challenge model presents five practices of exemplary leadership Model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart.Model the way In modeling the way leaders clarify the values that will guide, find their own voice to clearly articulate their values and set their own personalised standard of excellence as an example for others to follow.Inspire a shared vision leaders should dream of exciting possibilities by envisioning a overbold future and fostering this same vision for all his followers.Challenge the process leaders should look for innovative ways to improve or grow their organization by defying the status quo.Enable others to act leaders should encourage collaboration and build teams based on trust. By doing that they make it possible for their employees to work better. boost the heart leaders should recognize and honor the contribution of every follower/employee.This model can be used in used in manipulation situations where resistance to change occurs in organizations. An example of this where a manager exhibited some aspects of this five models was the TI automotive case sketch in unit 6. Tim Kuppler was tasked with upward(a) the corporate culture and bottom line of the HVAC unit of TIs North American business. Kuppler found out the employees were unclear about their mission and ready to embrace change.Kuppler exhibit the inspiring a shared vision aspect of the Kouzes and Posner model through unfreezing of the situation and a communicating with employee to have an understanding of the situation to make handles of the situation properly and propose a vision moving forward.Kuppler challenged the process through produceing innovative ways to implement change. He introduced involvement meetings and created business teams, which were not part of the companies practice before. This also demonstrate enabling others to act as it fostered collaboration and made it possible for the employees to good work. Kuppler finally refreezes the situation leaving the employees with an sceptred corporate culture.ReferencesKouzes, J. Posner, B. Z., (2008) The Leadership Challenge, 4th Edition, Jossey-BassMoodle (2010) M005LON-Leading in a Changing World-1011JAN online available from 22nd March,2011Blog 3Key tensions in leadershipThe business environment is constantly changing forces like globalization, increasing business compet ition and innovation are changing the landscape of the business world. These factors provide challenges and tensions that leaders/managers are pass judgment to identify and handle through effective leadership and management.Globalization presents challenges for leadership organizations now employ sight from different cultural backgrounds with different values and beliefs. tribe perception of authority could vary according to their cultural background and experiences (Mullins, 2010401). The level of power distance people accept varies and can be linked to their nationality, people from countries like china accept a high up power distance while people from most European countries don not a high power distance. Leaders/ managers with a workforce comprising of people from these countries have be aware of that. The situational leadership approach can apply here where the leader bases his/style and behaviour according the situational forces. Tannenbaum and Schmidt suggested three main forces Forces in the manager, forces in the subordinate and forces in the environment (Mullins, 2010383).Leading virtual teams is also another challenge for leaders/managers where communication is through electronic sources (Mullins, 2010834). The lack of face-to-face contact with members, geographical separation, time difference and cultural difference of team members makes leading virtual teams a challenging task. Leaders of theses teams require different range of skills. Position power has little or no effect in these leading virtual teams. Golemans leadership styles will style will work effectively which are the visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pace-setter and commanding.According to Goleman effective leaders rely on more than one leadership style (Goleman cited in Mullins, 2010399). The leader of virtual teams with a combination of the styles will be effective. The leader can use the democratic style to foster interaction between through encouraging employee involv ement, use the visionary style to create a long-term vision for the group and use the affiliative style to create harmony in the work group.In dealing with crisis management in organizations, where urgent action is needed to address the problem, an authoritarian leadership style might be preferable. According to Brennen an authoritarian style of leadership is suitable in situations of crisis or emergency where immediate action needs to be taken (Educational Administration and Supervision, nd). Goleman also state that authoritative style might be over bearing at times, it can be effective (Goleman cited in Mullins, 2010399).In order to effectively bring organizational change, it is important for a leader to understand factors that cause resistance to change in the individuals or the organization. This was seen in the TI automotive case study mentioned in my second blog. Tim Kuppler was able to implement the strategic change needed in the company after Identifying cause of resistance to change in the employees. The employees were hesitating to embrace the change process because other Managers tried to implement change but didnt succeed.ReferencesMoodle (2010) M005LON-Leading in a Changing World-1011 JAN online available from 22nd March,2011Laurie J. Mullins (2010). Management and Organisational Behaviour 9th edn. England Pearson Education Limited.Educational Administration and supervision (nd) Leadership styles online available from http//www.soencouragement.org/leadership-styles.htm25th March 2011Blog 4Ethical issues of leadership and how leadership doings and ethics impacts behavior and perception of followersDue to the influence powerful leaders can have on the fate of a company and lives of their followers there is a growing interest in the ethical aspects of leadership (Yulk, 2010329). Declining public trust in business and public leaders is also fueling interest in the ethical aspects of leadership (Kouzes and Posner, 1993 cited in Yulk, 2010329). Inter est in ethical leadership is growing as leaders now face issues of corporate social office (CSR). A leaders behavior toward corporate social responsibility can be a shareholder view. Leaders with this view influence their followers in order to maximize profits with in the boundaries of environmental law (Sternburg 1994).Leaders behavior has an impact on the behavior of his followers, Leaders can influence followers into crimes of obedience by making unethical practices appear to be legitimate (Beu Buckley, 2004 Hinrichs, 2007 cited in Yulk, 2010329). Accordng to Yukl, ethical behavior of leaders can be determined by either situational influences or individual determinants. Situational influences factors like organizational culture or formal reward system can support ethical or unethical behavior by leaders. An example of this is the case of Enron, their reward system called the rank and yank prompted top executives and managers to engage in unethical practices to gain rewards or represent employment. This behavior manifested down to their employees.My leadership goal and aspiration after completing my MBA program is to work in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria and live on a leading player in the industry. To achieve this goal I have to improve my leadership capabilities and the MBA program is a platform for me to work on it. I received encouraging feedback for my peers though they were areas I need to work on to improve a leader. The feedback highlighted my leaderships as high emotional intelligence, self-confidence, good social skills and ability to adapt. These qualities will come in handy in the demanding oil industry. To improve as a leader I would have to adopt different leadership styles, as stated by Goleman that the most effective leaders rely on more than one style (Mullins, 2010399). By having different styles I will be able to adapt to different situations and use the style that fits the situation best.
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